Part of what's distancing me from the stories is simply that everything suddenly is dramatized, and another part is the sheer awkwardness of what's called "great connection": great connection in this show's context mostly mean two incredibly attractive people eyeing each other. I don't see me in any of the stories except for the lesbian teens confronting their feelings.
悲观主义者是不会轻易心碎的,因为孤独和悲凉是她们的习惯,是空气和水。这也许就是为什么看似那么脆弱和易碎的bishop却与失去相处融洽,而骄傲自负的lota最终情绪崩溃,甚至自杀。我们都那么渴望爱,但我们还是一次次把它推开,这就是一种自我防御机制。虽然是部情感片,但仿佛看懂了诗人成长的心理轨迹。 the art of losing isn't hard to master.