4.5 wow this is so much better than S1. Turns out if you do the opposite of S1, not pre-determined to do simpleton allegory, not write ridiculous cardboard cutout characters but complex, nuanced ones, not let characters say every single thought out loud, not overuse the same non-diegetic music to cover up your lack of tension or comedic effect, you make a pretty damn good tv show!
第三次骗到的不是医生是Dex自己。Dex“ if I wake up and it’s dark I get scared, like I’m out there, and I’m never coming back.”Erik就给Dex一只鞋握着,最后看到Erik穿一只鞋出来哭了。越来越瘦弱的Dexter越来越成熟的Erik。不知道dex说my blood like poison多难受 Dex妈对Erik妈说的我还挺有共鸣D妈演技好棒 看前一半以为是快乐的电影被医生骗的以为会有奇迹 却忘记了那个时候怎么会有he