@FilmForum To me not that much about racism. More about the exploration of the complexity of the humanity. About we get into our emotions that dictate our judgements or pov. About coming together, finding the commonality within each other, accepting not exploding the differences. It's a good movie because it actually gives you complicated people.
穷到住不起房屋,睡不起床铺,买不起大衣。一首首民谣唱尽了他的辛酸潦倒、迷茫困惑。瘸了腿的猫会坚持走下去,跑出家的猫最终还是回家。经历了那么多,却又好像什么都没发生过;坚持了那么久,终究还是回到原来的地方。不停奔波却原地踏步,到底是继续梦想,还是向现实妥协,其实一切都只是科恩兄弟在如实描绘社会底层人民的状况:生活或许会一直糟糕,失败或许也会成常态。《醉乡民谣》就是为那些淹没在浪潮下的人书写的一首歌,以此记录那些不舍扔掉且支离破碎的梦。而每当夜深人静听着《Hang Me, Oh Hang Me》,我也总会想起那个在酒吧唱着民谣的落魄歌手。