阿乙的小说里这么描写狱警与死刑犯:“你真幸运只用走这一趟,而我们还要走回去。” 这部影片真正在内部言说“电影是一个奇迹”了 Things that happen in this world. It's a wonder God allowed it. You've ever tried not to laugh in church when something funny gets stuck in your head?This is the same goddamn thing. Roll on two. He's paid what he owed. He's square with the house again. Mr.jingles.
海瑟夫人和老G的CP太好磕了 可惜不是官配
真 魔幻。classic but not boring. 有悬疑有恐怖有cool costume designs。感觉应该很多喜欢悬疑片的观众都会喜欢。